Thank you for considering our beautiful and friendly community as your future home!
If you will, please take a moment to read the interesting HISTORY of Copperfield.
RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS: It is very important to read and understand Restrictive Covenants prior to purchasing a home or lot in Copperfield. The failure to do so shall not absolve or mitigate the responsibility of property owner(s) to take immediate corrective action at their expense. Compliance is mandatory.
In an effort to preserve the beautiful aesthetics and property values within Copperfield, the HOA restricts the type and scope of fencing and Commercial Equipment.
"Privacy" fences are now limited to pool & patio areas, in addition to other specifications and exceptions. If additional privacy is important, we suggest it be achieved with plantings.
Open-style fences have fewer limitations, however, still require prior consent.
Para. 24 of restrictive covenants restrict commercial equipment in open areas including vehicles and items that are particularly out of place in a R-1 zoned residential subdivision. This may exclude standard-height work vans and pickup trucks when in good condition with no exterior accessories or attachments. Commercial equipment is a broad category with compliance at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
* Restrictive Covenant: "Fences must be pre-approved by consent of adjoining lot owners and the Copperfield Board of Directors.
See Restrictive Covenants
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Lake Michigan Beaches: 45 minutes
South Bend & Notre Dame: 30 minutes
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